Using the BT Test Logins to diagnose broadband faults
1. Open your internet browser
2. in the address bar and press enter
3. When it asks you for your username and password type in “admin” as the username and “password” as the password.
4. When you are logged in you should see the page that looks like the one below.
5. From here, click “Internet”
6. It should say “Does your Internet connection require a login” and selected should be the “yes” option. If it doesn’t, make sure this is selected
7. Underneath this you will see 2 boxes labelled “username” or “login” and “password. In here, first of all remove what you currently have in here and then type in “bt_test@startup_domain” in the username/login box and leave the password as it is.
8. Click Apply.
9. Open another Internet Browser window and go to and if you get the page up this means it has been successful.
10. Report the result to the helpdesk.
11. Once you have completed that test then re-try these instructions from point 7 using these different details – as the username and again leave the password.