
The challenges of the modern world are never ending and IT Security (in all it’s forms) is becoming ever more important.

The threat from hackers, phishing emails, viruses are higher than ever and the methods that unscrupulous individuals use to try and access data is changing and adapting every day.

Here at IT Services at CAS Ltd we have you covered with a variety of core services that can help beef up your security.

Endpoint Protection (anti-virus)

We work with a number of international vendors when supplying endpoint protection (anti-virus) to our customers. In particular we work with Eset and Sophos who both provide excellent endpoint protection that offers both the traditional anti-virus protections alongside anti-ransomeware protection, which is a key and fundamental protection in the modern world. These 2 vendors suit differing types of budgets with traditionally Eset offering a slightly more budget friendly price whilst Sophos at the slightly higher end of the market.

Light touch security audits

Would you like your fundamental IT security checked out? Here at IT Services at CAS Ltd we do offer what we call “light touch” security audits where we go through all of the key elements of your security (endpoint protection, internal policies, multi factor authentication, office 365, windows updates) to ensure you have your key bases covered.

These audits tend to cost a few hundred pounds as a one off charge with the result of this being a brief report and set of recommendations.

Phishing Simulations & Training

This is a new service that we can potentially offer. In the modern world, the greatest threat to your data is “Phishing”. ‘Phishing’ isĀ when criminals use scam emails, text messages or phone calls to trick their victims. The aim is often to make you visit a website, which may download a virus onto your computer, or steal bank details or other personal information.

Working with a trusted provider we can potentially offer what is increasingly becoming called “Automated Human Risk Management” where phishing simulations are provided on a regular basis to staff and then automated staff training is provided based on the results of these simulations. This is then monitored on a month by month basis to ensure your staff are best prepared for the threats out there.

How to order or enquire

Contact us on 01473 345305 or email us at